National Academy for Civics and Government (Summers 2003 to present)
Center for Civic Education with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities
Faculty, Seminar Designer
Instructional coordinator for the National Academy, Political and Constitutional Theory for Citizens presented each July to a select group of American teachers and civic leaders visiting from other countries;
Requires evaluating participants' mastery of lecture presentations and assigned readings with the intent to design formal and informal seminar discussions to facilitate understanding and encourage participation;
Have now worked with 625 teachers from 48 states and 24 different countries.
Also, facilitated afternoon seminar sessions using this model at the NEH Landmarks of American History Institute conducted at the Center for the Constitution at James Madison's Montpelier. (Summers 2005 to 2010)
Wester Middle School, Frisco Independent School District (2000 to 2004)
U.S. History Teacher, Department Head and Team Leader
In addition to daily teaching assignment and preparing students for statewide standardized tests, served as Department Head, Grade Level Team Lead, Co-Chair of the Campus Improvement Team and wrote U.S. History curriculum implemented district wide;
Recognized a need for campus based training for new teachers; Designed and presented the multi-day training in an effort to establish a network of support that would continue throughout the school year.
Blalack Middle School, Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD (1997-2000)
Texas History Teacher
In addition to daily teaching assignment, mentored new teachers, modeled critical thinking in the classroom and wrote Texas History curriculum implemented district wide.
Educator Certification Program at Region XIII Education Service Center (2006 to 2008)
Mentor / Field Support Specialist
Managed the support component of the Educator Certification Program coordinating field supervisors and campus mentors for more than 200 beginning teachers each year;
Presented four forums for mentors and beginning teachers throughout the school year; Designed and presented training for Field Supervisors using Texas Beginning Educators Support System (TxBESS), a data-driven model for supporting and retaining new teachers.
Division of Educator Standards at the State Board for Educator Certification (2005)
Program Administrator
Managed the support component of the Educator Certification Program coordinating field supervisors and campus mentors for more than 200 beginning teachers each year;
Presented four forums for mentors and beginning teachers throughout the school year; Designed and presented training for Field Supervisors using Texas Beginning Educators Support System (TxBESS), a data-driven model for supporting and retaining new teachers.
Coordinating Volunteers
Texas VegFest 2013, coordinated 200 volunteers for a single-day outdoor festival
Presidential Primary 2008, organized outreach and voter turnout for local precinct
Statewide Senate Campaign 2006, worked with volunteers to recruit, utilize and sustain visibility and fundraising efforts across the state
Countywide Judicial Campaign 2004, managed campaign working with a small group of volunteers for fundraising efforts
Presidential Primary 2004, hosted local events to contribute to efforts for support gathering and turnout in early primary states
Volunteering for Local Causes
City of Austin's Conversation Corps (new), volunteer host for the city's citizen engagement program to facilitate neighborly discussions of public issues in each council district
Texas Book Festival (2015), event volunteer, capitol grounds
Health Alliance for Austin Musicians (2013, 2014, 2015), HAAMbassador representing the organization at Whole Foods and other locations across the city for HAAM Benefit Day
Imagine Austin (2014, 2015), regular attendee of city's events to solicit citizen feedback to guide local planning and development decisions
Lions Foundation for Shadow Children, Board Member coordinated the allocation of Lions Club contributions to support underserved students
Dallas Metro Lions Club, Charter Member helped to found the club and organized annual holiday event to provide warm clothes and gifts for low-income elementary students
PhD, MA in Political Science
University of Houston
Course work completed in Political Theory, American Political Behavior and Public Opinion;
Dissertation presents a Madisonian Framework for Civic Involvement attempting to bridge the gap between our study of political behavior and our criteria for evaluating our success or failure at popular government.
BA, in Historical Studies, minor in Secondary Education
University of Texas at Dallas