After seven years in the classroom, Shellee left her career as a teacher to investigate a question lurking in every conversation with students and colleagues: Does government and our politics work the way we teach students to expect it to work? She wanted to collect vantage points on political life.
Shellee's "collection" now includes campaign work, policy implementation, various volunteer organizations and, finally, a PhD from the University of Houston. She sought to extend her own study of American Political Thought and Political Behavior and completed her degree in April 2015. She then eagerly turned her attention back to the “real work” of community building through local organizations focused on civic tech, citizen engagement and neighborhood development.
Learn more about Shellee:
- Linked In Profile
- Faculty, National Academy of Civics and Government presented by the Center for Civic Education and the National Endowment for the Humanities
- Founding Editor, Politicolor
- Less formal writing on Medium and observations on Twitter